RES information meeting grid congestion

Item date:

29 June

Event location: Maaspoort Venlo

16:30 - 19:30

Grid congestion and the role of battery storage and conversion to hydrogen in Limburg

We invite you to the information meeting on grid congestion and the role of battery storage and conversion to hydrogen in Limburg. This meeting is aimed at involved governments, energy cooperatives, entrepreneurs and companies that are facing - or threaten to face - grid congestion in Limburg. It is a substantive and informative session for employees and officials and not an "administrative" or political meeting.

During the meeting...  we will update you on the state of affairs in Limburg and present a study by Berenschot on the possible contribution of batteries and hydrogen. In addition, we explain a subsidy scheme of OpZuid with co-financing from the Province of Limburg for storage and conversion that opens this fall. Finally, we are curious to know where you think the bottlenecks and possible solutions lie. 

Programme and registration  Aanmelden kan via deze link. View the program? Click here.

This meeting is part of a broader collaboration between municipalities, the Limburg RES regions, grid operators Tennet and Enexis, Chemelot and the LEA companies in Limburg for grid congestion.