Joining forces around HR topics

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2 October 2024

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By our partner LWV

The closure of VDL Nedcar in 2023 triggered something in Limburg: thousands of employees were suddenly out on the street. While this was a big blow, it provided opportunities to innovate in a tight labor market full of challenges. "Employers wanted to get in touch with these people quickly," says Huub Narinx, director of the Limburg Employers Association (LWV). "The only question was: how do we do that?"



The urgent question from employers - how do we reach the affected employees and fulfill our staffing needs at the same time? - led to a coordinated effort by VDL Nedcar, Leo Loopbaan and the LWV, in collaboration with partners such as VNO-NCW, UWV, MKB Limburg and the Techniek Coalitie. This resulted in a series of activities, including workshops, job events and the development of the platform ''. Employers can present themselves there in an authentic way. Through videos and the #dagjemeedraaien concept, job seekers get an honest look behind the scenes.


"Not just the slick narrative, but experiencing the real thing."

Jet, bus driver at Taxi Company van Meurs (participating employee)

"It's not just about filling vacancies, but also providing orientation opportunities and information about the type of employer you are (see videos). This is a powerful way to connect with job seekers," says Ramon Niessen, director of Leo Career. The realization that suddenly so many qualified workers became available set off quite a movement. And with success: newspaper De Limburger recently reported that only 750 of the 4,000 laid-off employees are on unemployment benefits. "Fantastic that so many employees have found new jobs. That is mainly thanks to the employers, because they are hiring!"

Quick action

LEO Careers and the LWV coordinated the approach. "We knew we had to act quickly to prevent long-term unemployment," Narinx says. "Employers had to and wanted to take the initiative. The proactive attitude of the companies made all the difference. Employers, big compliment, you made this happen! We only facilitated."


"I've been to job fairs and think it's cool that there is now an initiative that says: Let's try it in a different way."

participating employer


The collaborative effort goes beyond just finding new jobs for the laid-off workers. It has led to a valuable network of employers. "A kind of community around relevant HR topics is emerging," says Niessen. "And that opens up possibilities for the future; so we've only just begun!"

Innovative nature

Innovation is the common thread in employers' needs. Within the major mobility project VDL Nedcar, the focus was on attracting and retaining motivated employees. "The platform is a spin-off of that, which we are continuing at the request of employers," Narinx said.

labor market place

On hear what employers are saying about this.

After VDL Nedcar we move on!

Preparations are well underway for the next HR theme of absenteeism (or to put it another way: 'presence'). There too, the goal is to make more impact by innovating and adding something to what is already there. Employers are joining forces to innovate in the areas of inflow, throughput and outflow of employees. In short, working together to improve and innovate in the field of HR.

Intuitive tracking - it has to stay fun


We'll keep it lighthearted and casual! There will be themes that appeal to you or not. And there are times when you have more or less space in your schedule to work on innovation. That's all understandable, normal and fine.

Keep an eye on us


Keep an eye on us and join us when a topic comes up that appeals to you. And again, you choose what suits you at that moment! You watch from a distance, you bring, you get or you pull the cart; anything goes. That way it stays simple, fun and of added value.

Source: LWV
